Save the Child Foundation
2021-2022 Annual Report
At Save the Child Foundation, we believe that we are socially responsible in bringing a change in the lives of the underprivileged and special needs children with a key focus on girl children.
"A world in which all children with needs either related to poverty or medical conditions will be protected and nurtured holistically in an eco-friendly environment" .
Method to My Madness
A Message from CEO,
Ravi Kantamsetty
Since 2008, Save the Child Foundation has scaled more than 450 fiscally sponsored projects, fueled social change in 6 countries and mobilized $3.5 million for impact. At Save the Child, we are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of measurable commitments made by all the countries in the United Nations to their citizens.
From the shared priorities, we have identified a subset of areas - advancing gender equality, good health and wellbeing, education and empowerment where we have relationships and expertise to be part of the solution and where transformational progress is unlikely without our involvement. Geographically we seek to help those who live in places with high vulnerability of abuse, discrimination, lack of access and opportunities and who are burdened by extreme poverty. Every Save the Child Foundation project is inspired by the stories of the people we serve.
We find ways to partner who are tackling these challenges and carefully assess the landscape to determine our vision, role and impact. We go all in where the need is greatest in matters of gender equality in ending discrimination and violence against girls, enabling universal access to sanitation and health , K-12 education, and promote empowerment of women via technology. We actively strive to equip and enable partners that are taking bold action for social impact.
A few highlights from these past two years include the following:
We have hit our milestone target of 2 Million Pari Pads for Girls in Schools, Orphanages, Hostels and Shelter Homes in India.
Save the Child Foundation Nepal onboarded more than 40 students in the past three years and this action of ours was our tactic to end human trafficking in the areas of our operation by creating opportunities for continued education beyond grade 10. To further combat human and sex trafficking, we have strategically invested time and resources to build a long term plan to uplift Nepal’s BADI Community ( infamously known as The Untouchables of the Untouchables ).
We engaged and partnered with Collectives who are actively striving for gender equality which includes a film on sex trafficking which made to Oscars Reminder list and other documentaries which were recognized with Anthem Awards in USA. We have scaled our Art Based Therapy Initiatives to create platforms for the oppressed to discover new spaces and own them in and beyond Mumbai’s red light district. A well documented workshop model has been built to create healing opportunities for marginalized girls who endure violence, discrimination and extreme poverty. Zumba has been used as an ice breaker for more than 3000 girls to introduce topics of menstruation and sexual violence.
Our strategic partnership with Baala Pads has allowed us to gift Baala reusable pads for more than 10,000 girls primarily in Rajasthan and Nepal. We will be partnering with Could You Cups and will be our strategic play for sanitation in more than 15 countries in Africa from 2023 onwards.
After a year long fellowship ( 5 fellows ) with Save the Child Foundation, 3 were onboarded full time as employees and on a different note our volunteer family has now grown to more than 400 in 6 countries.
We have officially launched our Empowerment Platform RUI in 2022 , which will allow us to create/enable opportunities for women led entrepreneurships and sustainability
In gratitude of what we have been able to accomplish as a team and a family !
We have miles to go !!
Ravi Kantamsetty
Foundation Facts
(As of December 30, 2022 )
400 +
50,000 +
3.3 Million
3 Million
2.2 Million
Digital Devices
Baala Pads
$ 96,400
$ 400,000
$ 406,750
$ 1.03 Million